We advise only a select group of clients, and work only with firms whose leadership we can endorse and where we can be a trusted adviser
We take a longer view than investment bankers, aligning to clients' strategic horizon and staying involved to ensure successful integration and implementation of promises on both sides
We listen and are proactive about tailoring our advice to each individual client, but we don't mince words – radical honesty is our policy
We bring our wealth of experience and finely honed knowledge to bear in helping our clients navigate strategic inflection points such as mergers, sales, divestitures and restructurings.
Our advisory and investment businesses provide daily opportunities to gather strategic, financial and technical insights regarding the investment industry from around the globe, and we use these insights to further inform our work with each client.
We are fanatical about the quality of advice, analysis and advocacy we provide; we prize honesty and frankness.
We work with a hand-picked group of clients who appreciate our character, and we serve them exceptionally well.
We have advised major transactions in the space over the past four decades.
Select Grail transactions: